What is Content Marketing and Why is it Important for B2B Companies?

What is Content Marketing and Why is it Important for B2B Companies?

Today’s consumer is a well-informed digital native. Every buying decision is led by a thorough web research and comparative analysis before they even get to vendor shortlisting or evaluation stage.

According to Content Marketing Institute 91% of B2B Marketers in America use Content Marketing. This is based on the survey ‘2018 B2B Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs’

What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a type of marketing which primarily focuses on creating and distributing high-quality content targeted towards a specific audience segment. The idea is to attract, educate and nurture your target audience using content which is of value.

Unlike traditional marketing methods that focus on outreach programs, content marketing takes an inbound approach. Content Marketing programs have high conversion rates, given the audience is already looking for your product or service.

Why Is Content Marketing Important For B2B Company?

B2B companies in most cases have a limited and niche market segment. Their buyers and influencers dont form part of mass audience, thus they have to be vary of how and where they market.

It would be easy to use mainstream media or outreach programs to reach out to your target audience. But those methods are cost ineffective and time consuming. Content Marketing provides a great alternative where your audience discovers you via web, social and other digital channels.

Refer to this blog on steps to implement an Inbound Marketing Strategy for your business. It clearly lays down the steps to follow and also few content marketing templates that you can download.

What Are The Different Methods To Market Content?


This one is an obvious one, but the most important form of content marketing.
If you are reading this blog, chances are you discovered it via google search, social media or your email inbox. The reason you decided to read it is because you see value in it.

Your blog can form a hub for sharing knowledge, share news, success stories and more. Target long tail keywords that your potential customers are searching for and viola you have built trust without even trying to sell.


Target industry websites where your customers frequent. Guest posts are great way to spread awareness and position yourself as a thought leader. If you have something meaningful to say, most industry websites would accept guest posts which are unique and provide value.

Engaging on such portals provide authenticity to your brand and business as a whole.


Email Marketing is the most cost-effective and efficient way to market to B2B businesses. Here I’m not referring to cold emails. The blogs you generate can form part of your nurturing campaign that you can send to your list of prospects and customers every week or month.

We have seen tremendous churn using this channel. Of course the content you send them should be of value and instigate action. 



Optimize your content for search engines such that you rank for few but conversion focussed keywords. In my next blog, i will cover some very useful hacks that we regularly use to rank instantly on search engines.


Social Media has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. We check social media more than we check email, thats the reality of the world we live in. Distribute your content on all relevant social channels, groups and forums.

The Bottomline

There are not enough ways we can emphasise on the importance of content marketing especially if you are a B2B business. We have successfully implemented Content Marketing Strategy for several of our customers in the Tech and B2B space.

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